Shufill Silicone


Soft A10

Product information

Is a silicone product to be used as hoofpad material, offering the farrier the advantage to prevent dirt clogging between sole and pad. Can only be used as filling. 

Is a silicone product to be used as hoofpad material, offering the farrier the advantage to prevent dirt clogging between sole and pad. Can only be used as filling. 

Extremely soft filling material

4 minutes (2 mins heated)


with pads

Shufill Silicone


Medium-Soft A20 Transparent

Product information

Is a transparent silicone product to be used as hoofpad material, offering the farrier the advantage to prevent dirt clogging between sole and pad. It can be used as filling or light shock absorption. 

Is a transparent silicone product to be used as hoofpad material, offering the farrier the advantage to prevent dirt clogging between sole and pad. It can be used as filling or light shock absorption. 

Very soft filling material

4 minutes (2 mins heated)


with pads

Shufill Silicone


Medium A30

Product information

This silicone hoofpad material is mostly used for shock absorption. It offers more comfort to sport horses and also reduces stress on the feet for foundered horses.

This silicone hoofpad material is mostly used for shock absorption. It offers more comfort to sport horses and also reduces stress on the feet for foundered horses.

Soft filling material

4 minutes (2 mins heated)


with pads





Application instructions

Silicone hoof filling in the toe and a bit more support on the heels of this horse. Better known as a dual density pour-in, explained by Roy Verocay.

Perfect solution for horses being a bit tender after a course. Shusil pad materials keep a low temperature while setting. Farriers have a wide choice in different densities to offer the horse what it needs.


Shusil features

Do you know that Glue-U is the only company offering so much different horse silicone densities?

Shusil is a very easy to use pad material which can be used for any purpose under the hoof.

#Tips & Tricks

Shusil Tips & Tricks

Check out Peter’s Tips & Tricks for a step by step explanation how to use Shusil the right way.

Follow the easy steps to achieve the best glue result.


See what Glue-U can offer to bring your farrier work to the next level. Get to know all product specifications and possible applications.


The most common asked questions. If your question is not answered below please contact us and we will do all we can to help you.

When do I use Shusil?

In case you need cushioning and protection of the sole or frog.

Shusil help to reduce stress in the toe in cases of laminitis. Shusil scan also be used for cases with low heels or just to give light shock absorption to the hoof.

Shusil distribute the pressure over the sole which also reduces the stress on the heels.

Note that Shusil can not be used in case of WLD since extra pressure on the sole might create more damage to the WLD hoofwall.

Does Shusil stick?

No, you always need shupads to keep the Shusil in place.

How hard is Shusil?

Shore a 10 is the soft one and shore 30 the hardest. Eventhough the differences between A10-20-30 are just minimal, they do make a difference to the horse’s performance.

Is Shusil toxic?

No, our silicones are acid free and non toxic. They are even very suitable for wound treatment and set at about body temperature.

How long is the setting time?

At room temperature about 3 minutes (depending on the humidity in the air).

Setting time can be shortened by heating the glue to about body temperature. Especially in severe winter circomstances this can be a great help. Glue-U offer special heating devices to heat the cartridges in a proper way.

Do I need a special caulking gun?

Not necessarily, as all Glue-U products also Shusil 250cc cartridges fit in a regular silicone caulking gun. A special gun is only needed for alternative packagings like the 210cc.